Saturday, 28 November 2015

OIM Installation and Configuration with LDAP Sync

OIM Installation with LDAP Sync Steps.

1. Install Database
2. Install RCU
3. Install Java
4. Install Weblogic
5. Install SOA
6. Install OIM
7. Configure Weblogic
8. Configure OPSS Security Store
9. Configure OIM with LDAP Synchronization (Enabling LDAP Sync)
  -->Start Weblogic Server
  -->Start SOA Server
10. Configure OIM
   --> Start OIM Server
11. Running the LDAP Post Configuration Utility

12. After All Installation and Configuration check below Scheduled Jobs are running Successfully-

    --> LDAP User Create and Update Reconciliation
    --> LDAP User Delete Reconciliation
    --> LDAP Role Membership Reconciliation
    --> LDAP Role Hierarchy Reconciliation
    --> LDAP Role Delete Reconciliation
    --> LDAP Role Create and Update Reconciliation

13. If above Scheduled Jobs are failed then follow the below link to run it successfully-

EM Console start Issue on OIM11gR2-PS3


Unable to open the EM console in browser while able to login on Weblogic console

When trying to open the EM console the its showing error 404.

1) I have login to Weblogic console
2) Click on Deployments
3) Here em is present in Installed status.
4) When trying to update or Install then its getting failed.
5) When trying to Start-->Servicing All Requestes
6) Getting error "No Target Defined"


1) Login to Weblogic console
2) Click on Deployments
3) Click on EM
4) Go To Targets
5) In em --> Current Targets value is "None Specified"
6) Select em --> Click on Change Targets --> Select AdminServer
7) Click on Yes

It will update the AdminServer as a Targets. No start required, directly access the em console.

Now EM console is working fine.

Friday, 27 November 2015

LDAP Scheduler failure Issue in OIM11gR2- LDAP User Create and Update Reconciliation

After Installing and configuring the OIM11gR2 with LDAP sync we should verify few LDAP sync related Scheduled Job. These scheduled jobs are getting failed with below error-

java.lang.Exception: Invalid syntax of the provided cookie

1) LDAP User Create and Update Reconciliation
2) LDAP User Delete Reconciliation
3) LDAP Role Membership Reconciliation
4) LDAP Role Hierarchy Reconciliation
5) LDAP Role Delete Reconciliation
6) LDAP Role Create and Update Reconciliation

There is a field called last change number in all of these Scheduled tasks which we need to update with OUD lastExternalChangelogCookie.

For fetching the lastExternalChangelogCookie from OUD need to run the below command-

$ldapsearch -h -p 2 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Welcome1 -b "" -s base "objectclass=*" lastExternalChangelogCookie


lastExternalChangelogCookie: dc=dev,dc=com:000001514723101e109c0000     -->we need to update this highlighted value in Last Change Number in Scheduled Jobs

Check the query and Result in below screenshot-

In the below screenshot I have updaated the Last change Number-