Friday, 28 October 2016

Verifying Event Handler Registered Successfully or not in EM Console in OIM11gR2

Once you have registered the Plugins for Event Handler and getting some issue and you want to verify that Event Handler registered successfully or not then follow below steps-

1. Login to EM console- http://localhost:7001/em/
2. Expand "Identity and Access" -->Expand "OIM" -->Click on "oim("
3. Click on Oracle Identity Manager arrow and click on System MBean Browser

4. Expand "Application Defined MBeans" -->"oracle.iam" --> Server: oim_server1 -->Application: oim -->IAMAppDesignMBean --> Click on "ConfigQueryMBeanName".

5. Click on Operation -->Click On "getEventHandlers"

6. Once getEventHandler opened provide the below details-
    P1 --> User
    P2 --> Enable  (Provide any operation for which you have registered your Event Handler like- Create, Modify, Enable, Disable etc...) and Click on Invoke

7. It will fetched the all registered OOTB and Custom  Event Handles details from Metadata and show this in Returns the Value. You can check your Custom Event Handler in the list. If its present here then Event Handler registered Successfully.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Adding New Attribute on Process Form in OIM11gR2

I want to add new attribute "Mobile Number" on "LDAP User" Process Form correspond to OIM UDF "Mobile". So for adding the new attribute on Process Form and for pushing the OIM UDF attribute on Process Form and in Target we need to follow below steps-

1.      Open the Process Form "UD_LDAP_USR".
2.      Click on "Create New Version".
3.      Provide the Version Name and Save.
4.      Add the New Attribute "Mobile Number" on Process Form and Click on Save.
5.      For mapping the OIM UDF "Mobile" to Process Form Attribute "Mobile Number" during User Creation in LDAP, add the Prepopulate adapter on "Mobile Number" attribute.
6.      Activate the Form Version. (wait few minute for activating the Form Version)
7.      Go To OIM Sysadmin console: http://OIMHost:OIMPort/sysadmin/,  Create and Activate the Sandbox on Sysadmin Console.
8.      Create New Form and update new Form to Application Instance.
9.      Export the Sandbox for backup purpose and Publish the Sandbox.
10.  Updating the Process Form of Existing user through below query.

1      Run the below query- 


1     Run the below Query to update the Process form for existing user- 

(Select SDK_ACTIVE_VERSION from sdk where SDK_NAME='UD_LDAP_USR');

1     11.  Add the these new attribute in recon Profile and Create the Reconciliation Profile. (After click on Create reconciliation Profile it should show Success message-wait for few minute for getting success message)

For Pushing the Changes in LDAP from OIM once attribute value Updated in OIM Profile-

1    1.   Create the Change task for attribute Mobile in “LDAP USR” Process Definition
Change Mobile Number

3.  2. Map the UDF with Change Task in lookup “Lookup.USR.Process_Triggers” like below. Please check the correct attribute name of Mobile in OIM Profile-

Change Mobile Number

1.   3.  Create the Updated Task for all 3 attribute if not present in “LDAP USR” Process Definition and before creating verify that if these task already present.

Mobile Number Updated

4. Add the Process Form Attribute and LDAP target attribute Name in lookup "Lookup.LDAP.UM.ProvAttrMap"

Mobile Number

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Custom Security Challenge Question Localisation in OIM11gR2

To localise custom Challenge Question in OIM11gR2 we need to follow below Steps. I am providing the localisation of Challenge question for French language.

1. Create the Properties file with name- "customResources_fr_FR.properties_fr_FR" and put the below content with Challange question. In English question space is replaced with ~ sign.

# This a French custom resource template file. It will used if Browser locale related file is not found say
# "customResources_<lang>_<country>.properties". End user can use it to extend translation for custom lookup, fields etc.
# Below are the few examples of that :
# For lookup addition:


# For UDF Label addition:
# global.udf.<udf_column_name>=<unicoded_label_string>

# For UDF Lookup addition:
# For lookup by column and lookup by code :

# global.<lookup_code>.<encode_data>=<unicoded_decodedata_string>

###Challenge Questions - French ###
global.Lookup.WebClient.Questions.Who~is~your~childhood~sports~hero?=Qui était votre athlète  préféré lorsque vous étiez enfant ?
global.Lookup.WebClient.Questions.What~is~the~name~of~your~favorite~childhood~friend?=Comment s'appelait votre meilleur(e) ami(e) d'enfance ?
global.Lookup.WebClient.Questions.What~is~the~name~of~the~hospital~where~you~were~born?=Comment s'appelle l’hôpitaloù vous êtes né(e) ?

2. Copy "customResources_fr_FR.properties_fr_FR" file on OIM server through WinSCP on location-"/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/customResources".

3. Convert the Properties file from Native to ASCII. In this Process all the file content will be copied in new Properties file- "". For this we need to run below command on OIM Server box through Putty-

native2ascii customResources_fr_FR.properties_fr_FR

4. Now Upload the resource Bundle Properties file in Database through Upload Resource Bundle Utility. For this we need to follow below Steps-

1. For running the go to below path

$ cd /app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/bin

2. Set the Environment variable.

 export DOMAIN_HOME=/app/oracle/user_projects/domains/OIMDomain1
export WL_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3
export ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
export OIM_ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
export JAVA_HOME=/app/oracle/java/jdk1.7.0_80
export MW_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware
export APP_SERVER=weblogic

3. Run the below command-

$ ./

Steps are mentioned below for Running the

[iamusr@sciamdas62 customResources]$ cd /app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/bin

#####################Setting Path#####################################################
 [iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export DOMAIN_HOME=/app/oracle/user_projects/domains/OIMDomain1
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export WL_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export OIM_ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export JAVA_HOME=/app/oracle/java/jdk1.7.0_80
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export MW_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export APP_SERVER=weblogic
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$

#####################Running Upload Resource Bundle Utility#############################

[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ ./
For running the Utilities the following environment variables need to be set
APP_SERVER is weblogic
OIM_ORACLE_HOME is /app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
JAVA_HOME is /app/oracle/java/jdk1.7.0_80
MW_HOME is /app/oracle/middleware
WL_HOME is /app/oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3
DOMAIN_HOME is /app/oracle/user_projects/domains/OIMDomain1
Executing oracle.iam.platformservice.utils.ResourceUploadUtility in IPv4 mode
[Enter Xellerate admin username :]xelsysadm                 #####Comment- Xelsysadm Username#######
[Enter the admin password :] *******                                  ##### Comment- Xelsysadm Password#######
[[Enter serverURL (Ex. t3://oimhostname:oimportno for weblogic or corbaloc:iiop:localhost:2801 for websphere)]:]t3://sciamdas62:14000                             ##### Comment- t3 URL#######
[[Enter context (i.e.: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory for weblogic or for websphere)]:]weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory         ##### Comment- Weblogic Context#######
Logging configuration class "oracle.core.ojdl.logging.LoggingConfiguration" failed
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.core.ojdl.logging.LoggingConfiguration
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Enter the resource bundle type
 1.Custom Resource
 2.Connector Resource
 1                                                ######Select appion-1 as Custom Resource#######
Enter the path/location of resource bundle file :    #######Properties file with Path#######
Do u want to load more resource bundles [y/n] :n                   ###Here provided “N” because this is last file if want to upload more file then Provide option  "Y"  and in last file Provide Option "N" ####
Upload resource executed successfully
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$

These are the above Steps for localising the Custom Challenge Question in OIM11gR2. For testing the Challenge question set the Browser language as French and test the Security Challange Question for Particular Language.

If we need to delete the uploaded Properties file then we need to follow below Steps-

 Steps are mentioned below for Running the

[iamusr@sciamdas62 customResources]$ cd /app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/bin

#####################Setting Path#####################################################
 [iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export DOMAIN_HOME=/app/oracle/user_projects/domains/OIMDomain1
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export WL_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export OIM_ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export JAVA_HOME=/app/oracle/java/jdk1.7.0_80
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export MW_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ export APP_SERVER=weblogic
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$

#####################Running Delete Resource Bundle Utility#############################

[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$ ./
For running the Utilities the following environment variables need to be set
APP_SERVER is weblogic
OIM_ORACLE_HOME is /app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
JAVA_HOME is /app/oracle/java/jdk1.7.0_80
MW_HOME is /app/oracle/middleware
WL_HOME is /app/oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3
DOMAIN_HOME is /app/oracle/user_projects/domains/OIMDomain1
Executing oracle.iam.platformservice.utils.ResourceUploadUtility in IPv4 mode
[Enter Xellerate admin username :]xelsysadm                 #####Comment- Xelsysadm Username#######
[Enter the admin password :] *******                                  ##### Comment- Xelsysadm Password#######
[[Enter serverURL (Ex. t3://oimhostname:oimportno for weblogic or corbaloc:iiop:localhost:2801 for websphere)]:]t3://sciamdas62:14000                             ##### Comment- t3 URL#######
[[Enter context (i.e.: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory for weblogic or for websphere)]:]weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory         ##### Comment- Weblogic Context#######
Logging configuration class "oracle.core.ojdl.logging.LoggingConfiguration" failed
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.core.ojdl.logging.LoggingConfiguration
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Enter the resource bundle type
 1.Custom Resource
 2.Connector Resource
 1                                                ######Select appion-1 as Custom Resource#######
Enter the Name of resource bundle file :    #######Properties file Name which need to be deleted#######     
Do u want to load more resource bundles [y/n] :n                   ###Here provided “N” because this is last file if need to delete more file then Provide option "Y" ####
Upload resource executed successfully
[iamusr@sciamdas62 bin]$

Monday, 24 October 2016

Modifying or Updating Details in OUD

For Updating the multiple attribute in OUD, Login to OUD on Putty and run the below command-

$ cd /opt/oracle/middleware/Oracle_OUD1/bin/
$./ldapmodify -h  -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager"
   Password for user 'cn=directory manager': ********
copy the ldif related details here

After password Put the ldif details for updating the attribute and Press Enter 2 times and you will get success message. For exit press CTRL+C.

LDIF File Details- Below details for updating the multiple attribute value in OUD

dn: uid=junden,ou=EmployeeGroup,dc=hrhotels,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: hrcommunityid
hrcommunityid: 1
replace: hroneuserstatus
hroneuserstatus: 0
replace: departmentNumber
replace: hrcompanystartdate
hrcompanystartdate: 20131031120000Z
replace: manager
manager: uid=patrvil,ou=EmployeeGroup, dc=hrhotels,dc=com
replace: mail
replace: hrglobalhrid
hrglobalhrid: 50896058

All above steps performed on Putty, below are the command Details on Putty-

[testuser1@testserversas66 ~]$ cd /opt/oracle/middleware/Oracle_OUD1/bin/
[testuser1@testserversas66 bin]$ ./ldapmodify -h  -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager"
Password for user 'cn=directory manager':
dn: uid=danagov,ou=EmployeeGroup,dc=hr,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: DateOfBirth
DateOfBirth: 28-JAN
replace: hrcommunityid
hrcommunityid: 1
replace: telephoneNumber
telephoneNumber: 480 905 4635
replace: hroneuserstatus
hroneuserstatus: 0
replace: hrusertitle
hrusertitle: SENIOR MANAGER
replace: physicalDeliveryOfficeName
physicalDeliveryOfficeName: HR Corporate Office - Scottsdale
replace: hruserhrsapstatus
hruserhrsapstatus: Active
replace: hrglobalhrid
hrglobalhrid: 50132732
replace: sametimeuser
sametimeuser: true

Processing MODIFY request for uid=danagov,ou=EmployeeGroup,dc=starwoodhotels,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=danagov,ou=EmployeeGroup,dc=starwoodhotels,dc=com
^C[testuser1@testserversas66 bin]$
[testuser1@testserversas66 bin]$